Tokenomics and Governance Design

Experienced Web3 Consulting

Get the support you need to make your web3 startup a success

Blockchain/Web3 enables founders to build strong, intentional incentive systems into their app, product, or protocol - we call this tokenomics

Powerful Tokenomics are a great tool to drive engagement, marketing and create a positive flywheel effect for your web3 business

We believe good tokenomics is key to success in web3

Why Tokenomics?

  • Incentivize the behavior you want from your users

  • Align users and stakeholders with the success of your business

  • Drive a sustainable web 3 business model

  • Bootstrap decentralized decision-making

  • Unlock organic marketing from your users

Trusted By


Shahar Abrams on Financial Survival Network

Shahar Abramson Show me the Crypto

Shahar Abrams on the Jerry Hall Show

Shahar Abrams talks to Trillions Media